Hybrid event production is easy when you follow these ten tips.

Top 10 Tips for Navigating Hybrid Event Production

Over the last several years, we at Precon Events have learned a lot about hybrid events. And after producing hundreds of them, we are comfortable calling ourselves experts in hybrid event production. We love seeing a return to in-person events, but the hybrid model has also unlocked amazing possibilities. You can now hold events that are equally valuable for your in-person attendees and online guests, expanding your audience exponentially. 

The trick is to keep the event engaging and seamless for both your in-person and online attendees. So with that in mind, here are our basic tips for navigating hybrid event production. If you want to talk about this in more detail, please contact us anytime.

10 Tips for Hybrid Event Production

  1. Plan for Inclusivity
  2. Use Robust Hybrid Event Platforms
  3. Engage Both Audiences with Interactive Elements
  4. Maximize Sponsorship Opportunities
  5. Invest in high quality production
  6. Prepare for Technical Challenges
  7. Create a Unified Experience
  8. Leverage Analytics and Feedback
  9. Train Your Team (or hire one)
  10. Promote Networking Opportunities

1. Plan for Inclusivity

Inclusivity is crucial in hybrid event production. Ensure that both in-person and virtual attendees feel equally valued. This means offering comparable content and engagement opportunities. For example, provide virtual attendees with exclusive networking sessions and real-time Q&A opportunities during presentations. Inclusivity can significantly boost satisfaction and engagement (ticket-generator) (Hire Space).

2. Use Robust Hybrid Event Platforms

Choosing the right hybrid event platform is critical. A survey of over 3,000 organizers shows that 67% respondents look at the technological hurdles of hybrid events as a primary concern. That’s why it is important to look for platforms that offer seamless integration of video streaming, chat functions, and interactive tools. Hybrid event production companies (like Precon) can take care of all of that for you. But whichever way you go, a robust platform ensures that your virtual attendees have a smooth and engaging experience, mirroring the in-person event as closely as possible.

3. Engage Both Audiences with Interactive Elements

Interactive elements are essential for keeping both sets of attendees engaged. Use live polls, Q&A sessions, and virtual breakout rooms to foster interaction. Hybrid event production should focus on creating touchpoints where virtual and in-person attendees can interact, such as mixed networking sessions or collaborative workshops.

4. Maximize Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsors are integral to your event’s success. Offer them creative ways to engage with both physical and virtual audiences. This can include virtual booths, sponsored sessions, and branded giveaways. By providing metrics on engagement and exposure, you can demonstrate the value of their sponsorship and secure their support for future events.

5. Invest in High-Quality Production

High-quality production is non-negotiable. This includes professional-grade cameras, sound systems, and lighting for in-person events, as well as reliable streaming services for virtual attendees. Investing in the right technology ensures a seamless experience for all participants.

6. Prepare for Technical Challenges

Technical glitches can disrupt the flow of your event. To mitigate this, conduct thorough testing of all equipment and software before the event. Have a dedicated technical support team on standby to address any issues that arise in real-time. Preparing for potential challenges ensures minimal disruptions and maintains attendee engagement.

7. Create a Unified Experience

Bridging the gap between physical and digital audiences is essential. Use technology to create a unified experience where both sets of attendees can participate equally. For instance, consider live streaming keynotes to virtual attendees while allowing them to participate in real-time discussions with in-person attendees through an integrated chat function.

8. Leverage Analytics and Feedback

Data is your ally in improving future events. Use analytics to track engagement metrics such as attendance rates, session participation, and feedback scores. Post-event surveys can provide insights into what worked well and what areas need improvement. By understanding your audience’s preferences, you can refine your approach for future hybrid event production.

9. Train Your Team (or hire one)

A well-trained team is essential for the smooth execution of hybrid events. Provide training on the hybrid event platform, equipment setup, and troubleshooting common issues. Ensuring that your team is knowledgeable and prepared can significantly enhance the overall event experience for both in-person and virtual attendees. Of course, outsourcing your technical needs is another great solution for having trained professionals take care of the execution.

10. Promote Networking Opportunities

Networking is a primary reason people attend events. Facilitate networking by creating opportunities for both virtual and in-person attendees to connect. This can include virtual networking lounges, matchmaking sessions, and integrated social media interactions. By promoting networking, you enhance the value of your event and foster meaningful connections among attendees.


Hybrid events are tricky, but when done well they increase your reach and create a memorable experience for both in person and online guests. By focusing on inclusivity, utilizing robust platforms, and investing in high-quality production, you ensure that your hybrid events meet the evolving needs of your audience. Remember, the key to successful hybrid event production lies in creating a seamless and engaging experience that bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

We can provide all of your hybrid needs at Precon Events. Please contact us today if you’re thinking about hiring a hybrid event production company, or just want to talk more about the ins and outs of putting on a hybrid event. 

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