Precon Events Ultimate Meeting Guide shows you how to Plan a Meeting like this

How to Plan Your Company’s Live Event: The Ultimate Guide

We know that planning a live event can be a daunting task. Whether you’re prepping for a conference of thousands of professionals at a hotel, or a meeting of a dozen executives at a conference table – you have a lot on your plate. No matter the size of your event, the basic principles come down to this: how to plan a meeting.

With the right strategies and tools, live event planning is straightforward, gratifying, and even enjoyable (it’s true!). So whether you’re organizing a corporate conference, a team-building workshop, or a grand gala, this guide will provide you with step-by-step tips to ensure your event is a success.

We’ll lay out each of the steps up-top, and then go into detail below. Let us know what you think and definitely let us know how we can help with your event.

How To Plan a Meeting

Step 1: Define Your Objectives
Step 2: Set a Budget
Step 3: Choose the Right Venue
Step 4: Design an Engaging Agenda
Step 5: Leverage Event Technology
Step 6: Promote Your Event
Step 7: Manage On-Site Logistics Step 8: Gather Feedback and Evaluate

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Before diving into the logistics, it’s crucial to understand the purpose of your event. Ask yourself:

  • What are the goals of the event? Are you looking to educate your audience on a new product, foster team collaboration, or celebrate a company milestone? Defining the main goal will shape the entire planning process, whether you are considering how to plan a meeting or a massive conference. For example, a tech company might host an annual conference with three concrete goals: unveil new products, attract potential investors, and network with industry leaders.
  • Who is the target audience? Identifying your audience will help you tailor the content and format of the event to meet their needs and expectations. If you’re planning a meeting of C-suite executives, the agenda will probably focus on high-level strategic discussions and networking opportunities.
  • What outcomes do you expect? Knowing what success looks like is a huge piece of measuring the event’s impact. For a training seminar, a successful outcome might be increased knowledge and skills among attendees, which you could gauge through post-event surveys.

Step 2: Set a Budget

Establishing a realistic budget early on is essential to the success of your meeting. It’s important to consider all potential expenses. You’d be surprised how costs can sneak up on event planners last minute if they haven’t considered the nitty gritty details. Make sure to keep these expenditures in mind:

  • Venue costs: This includes the rental fee, security deposits, and any additional charges for setup or breakdown. Renting a ballroom in a luxury hotel might come with a hefty price tag, but it offers the ambiance and amenities needed for a high-profile event. Once you’ve defined your objectives, you’ll have a better sense of if an expensive venue is worth it (and sometimes, it’s definitely worth it).
  • Catering: Make sure to account for meals, snacks, and beverages for all attendees. For a full-day conference, plan for breakfast, lunch, coffee breaks, and a post-event reception. If there’s one thing you can count on when thinking about how to plan a meeting: hungry attendees lose focus fast!
  • Technology and equipment: This includes audio-visual equipment, internet access, and any specialized tools needed for presentations or demonstrations. A virtual reality demo might require VR headsets and a high-speed internet connection. Even simple equipment like a mic and speaker can sneak up on you. Does the venue provide them? Does your company already have them? Checking on this well in advance will save you headaches down the road
  • Marketing and promotional materials: Budget for advertising, printed materials, and promotional items like branded giveaways. Custom notebooks and pens with your company logo can be a great way to leave a lasting impression on attendees. Even an internal meeting might require hours from a copywriter and graphic design team to get the word out throughout the company.
  • Staff and labor: Account for the costs of hiring staff for event setup, management, and cleanup. Hiring a professional event coordinator can ensure that everything runs smoothly and according to plan. We highly recommend Precon Events for this, and so much more 😉. 
  • Contingency fund: Make sure to allocate a contingency fund for unexpected expenses. Last minute hiccups do occur, and having a little capitol stored away will reduce the stress involved tremendously.

This guide from Indeed dives deeper into budget setting for events.

Step 3: Choose the Right Venue

A well-structured agenda keeps your event attendees engaged and ensures the meeting flows smoothly. Depending on the scope of the event, consider including the following:

  • Keynote speeches and presentations: Feature industry experts and thought leaders to provide valuable insights and inspire attendees. A renowned entrepreneur could deliver a keynote on innovation in the field relevant to you, setting an exciting tone for the event.
  • Interactive sessions: Incorporate Q&A segments, workshops, and panel discussions to encourage attendee participation. Interactive breakout sessions where participants can collaborate on real-world challenges provide hands-on learning experiences.
  • Breaks for networking and relaxation: Schedule regular breaks to give attendees time to recharge and network. A mid-morning coffee break and an afternoon networking session can help attendees form valuable connections and catch their breath.
  • Entertainment or team-building activities: Include activities that are fun and foster team spirit. An evening cocktail reception with live music or a team-building scavenger hunt can create memorable experiences. Balance content delivery with opportunities for freestyle interaction.

Step 4: Design an Engaging Agenda

A well-structured agenda keeps your event attendees engaged and ensures the meeting flows smoothly. Depending on the scope of the event, consider including the following:

  • Keynote speeches and presentations: Feature industry experts and thought leaders to provide valuable insights and inspire attendees. A renowned entrepreneur could deliver a keynote on innovation in the field relevant to you, setting an exciting tone for the event.
  • Interactive sessions: Incorporate Q&A segments, workshops, and panel discussions to encourage attendee participation. Interactive breakout sessions where participants can collaborate on real-world challenges provide hands-on learning experiences.
  • Breaks for networking and relaxation: Schedule regular breaks to give attendees time to recharge and network. A mid-morning coffee break and an afternoon networking session can help attendees form valuable connections and catch their breath.
  • Entertainment or team-building activities: Include activities that are fun and foster team spirit. An evening cocktail reception with live music or a team-building scavenger hunt can create memorable experiences. Balance content delivery with opportunities for freestyle interaction.

Step 5: Leverage Event Technology

Incorporating the right technology can enhance the attendee experience and streamline event management. 

  • Event management software: Tools like Eventbrite or Cvent can help with registration, ticketing, and scheduling. An all-in-one platform that handles registrations, sends reminders, and provides a detailed event schedule can simplify the planning process.
  • Mobile apps: Custom event apps can offer real-time updates, personalized agendas, and networking features. An app with features like push notifications and attendee messaging can keep everyone informed and connected.
  • Live streaming and recording: Offer virtual participation options for those who cannot attend in person. Streaming the event on platforms like Zoom or YouTube allows a broader audience to engage with the content. The last few years have led to passive advancements in how to plan a meeting people can attend virtually or using a hybrid model. Hiring a team (like us) versed in video and live event production can be a great idea if you’re not sure about your internal capabilities.
  • Interactive tools: Use polls, surveys, and live Q&A sessions to engage the audience. Real-time polling during a presentation can provide instant feedback and make sessions more interactive.

Big tip: Make sure to test your tech set up before the event to avoid any disruptions.

Step 6: Promote Your Event

Effective promotion is key to attracting attendees. You’ve spent all this time learding how to plan a meeting or event. It’s only worth it if people come! Use a mix of marketing channels, such as:

  • Social media platforms: Utilize Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to reach a broad audience. Create a dedicated event hashtag and encourage attendees to share their experiences on social media.
  • Email campaigns: Send targeted emails to your subscriber list with event details and registration links. A series of emails highlighting keynote speakers and session topics can build anticipation and drive registrations.
  • Press releases and media partnerships: Gain media coverage to increase event visibility. Partnering with industry publications to feature articles about your event can attract a wider audience.
  • Influencer and word-of-mouth marketing: Leverage the reach of industry influencers and encourage word-of-mouth promotion. Consider inviting well-known industry influencers to speak at your event. It can draw their followers’ attention and create a lot of buzz.
  • Make a sizzle reel: Create compelling content that highlights the benefits of attending your event. People go to movies after seeing great trailers, right? This is especially useful if you have footage of past events.

Step 7: Manage on Site Logistics

On the day of the event, attention to detail is crucial. Hiring an event coordinator can reduce your stress level tremendously. But whether it’s you or your coordinator, here are some Day Of logistics to coordinate:

  • Registration and check-in processes: Ensure a smooth and efficient check-in experience for attendees. One tip is to use electronic check-in systems to reduce wait times and keep the registration area organized.
  • Signage and wayfinding: Provide clear and visible signage to help attendees navigate the venue. Directional signs, maps, and staff stationed at key points can prevent confusion and ensure everyone finds their way.
  • Catering and refreshment services: Ensure food and beverages are served on time and meet the attendees’ preferences and dietary requirements. Offering a variety of meal options, including vegetarian and gluten-free, ensures all guests are catered for. Communication with the catering team is also key. Is something running late? They’ll need to know so they don’t heat up food at the wrong time.
  • Audio-visual equipment and technical support: Ensure all presentations and sessions run smoothly with reliable AV equipment and on-site tech support. Having a dedicated AV team ready to troubleshoot any issues can prevent disruptions during presentations.

Step 8: Gather Feedback and Evaluate

After the event, gather feedback from attendees to assess what went well and what could be improved. Here are some great tools for gathering thoughts:

  • Surveys and feedback forms: Send out post-event surveys to gather attendees’ opinions and suggestions. Ask about their overall experience, favorite sessions, and any areas for improvement.
  • Social media comments and reviews: Monitor social media for attendee comments and reviews. You can encourage attendees to share their thoughts on social media and use these insights to gauge the event’s impact.
  • Debrief meetings with your team: Hold a debriefing session with your team to discuss what worked and what didn’t. Review the feedback, discuss logistical challenges, and brainstorm ideas for future improvements.

All of this information will help you learn how plan a meeting or event that goes even better event next time!


We hope this guide for how to plan a meeting has been helpful. You can scale it down for small meetings, and keep it big for events like conferences and galas. Regardless of size,following these step-by-step tips can ensure your live event is a success. Planning requires attention to detail, effective communication, and a proactive approach to problem-solving. Remember, the ultimate goal is to create a memorable and impactful experience for your attendees.

Precon Events is a premier event design & production firm focusing on in-Person, virtual and hybrid events. We are your go-to resource for even the most complex event design, technology, and production. Please get in touch, so we can help make your event perfect.

Events take your guests on a journey.

Make it unforgettable.